We are here to help

Whether you know exactly whats the best option for you, or if you are still at the evaluation stage – We are here for you

Our Services

Our academic advising services are free and available for you at every step of the way. 


globe, map, north america

There are many options out there, hence  we provide academic advising to find the best option as per your goals, resources and preferences. The Discovery Service includes:

  • Program Discovery, and Selection 
  • Program Overview
  • Cost Breakdown
  • College Application Support


International Education is an investment for life, for which our strategy incorporates elements from project management and financial counseling. The Plan Service includes:

  • Income & Expenses forecast
  • Project Time Line
  • Job Market Snapshot
  • Return of Investment 


We want you to take full advantage of the academic experience , hence we put focus in the long term and provide early advice since the very beginning! The Go Service includes:

  • Pre-departure Orientation & Checklist
  • Job Search Orientation & Resume Writing
  • Work Permit Overview
  • Permanent Residence Overview

our expertise


Our representatives have first hand experience moving to other countries, we have gone through the experience of immigration and went through education as international students - We are honored to help you write your own story.

This we know

We come to you educated in Business, Career & Academic Advising, and International Education. We also have great insight into recruiting, talent acquisition, and staffing services within the North American job market - We put refined know-how at your service.

Professional APPROACH

Our professional practice incorporate project management, academic advising, financial counseling and other professional methodologies - We go Pro on our side to keep yours smooth.

Start your international journey now